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Frontpage Tenants Moving in

Things to remember when you move in

Get your own electricity contract

If you need to get your own electricity contract for the apartment, don’t leave it too late. Electricity is included in the rent in most of the shared apartments and furnished apartments.

Notify the authorities of your change of address

Digital and Population Data Services Agency must always be notified when you move. Also remember to let the bank, your phone operator, the library, the newspapers, and your friends and relatives know your new address. Make change of address here.

Home insurance

Get home insurance for your apartment or transfer your existing insurance to the new address. If you are transferring your existing insurance, also make sure that the insured amount is sufficient. 

Fire alarm

Get a fire alarm for your apartment, if the property does not have an automatic fire alarm system.

Get keys to your new home

You can get the key from the Hoas office on the first business day of the month. If the previous tenant has allowed their contact details to be given to you, you can also sign a agreement of handling over the keys. In case you are not able to pick up the keys from Hoas by yourself, you can authorise another person who is 18 or over to pick up the keys on your behalf.

Check the condition of the apartment

Check the condition of your apartment and submit a move-in report within 10 calendar days of receiving the key. Notify Hoas immediately if the apartment needs cleaning. Move-in report

Name on the door

The name list of tenants living in the building in the hallway is updated three times per year. Your name will be added to the list when a new list is printed. The list includes the apartment number and your last name and you do not necessarily need a separate name tag on the door. If you wish, you can put a name sticker on the door, but you must be able to remove it without any damage when you leave. The name list of tenants living in the building in the hallway is updated three times per year.

In order to keep the door buzzer clean it is not allowed to put one’s name on the door buzzer. The apartment number on the buzzer indicates which button to press.


Hoas apartments are unfurnished, unless otherwise specified in your tenancy agreement. Exchange student apartments are furnished.

If the previous tenant offers their furniture to you and you wish to accept, inform Hoas as soon as possible. Otherwise Hoas will remove the belongings from the apartment.

Parking space

If you need a parking space for your car find out the possibilities to park your car in the property or neighborhood. Most Hoas properties have car parking spaces for tenants. The type of parking space, amount of spaces and prices vary. There is a separate fee for parking space reservation. Check the types and prices and submit a parking space application.

There is a notice of a cleaning or repair work order in my apartment

If the previous tenant did not fix the problems pointed out in the final inspection, the apartment inspector will order the necessary work to be done. The order form may include a note that the work will be charged to the tenant. In such cases, the new tenant that has just moved in will not be charged.

The work ordered will be carried out as soon as possible. If there is a reason why the maintenance staff cannot enter the apartment using a master key (for example, a pet), please contact Hoas as soon as possible to pass this information to the maintenance company.

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