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Frontpage Applicants Summer apartments

Furnished apartments for the spring term

Hoas spring apartments are furnished rooms in a shared apartments or studios that can be rented 1.1.-31.5. The apartments are exchange students’ apartments that have remained vacant. The spring apartments are furnished. Anyone who has, for example, a temporary job or a place to study in the capital region can apply for an apartment.

  • The deposit is 500 euros.
  • The apartments have basic furniture. See furniture
  • Apply with exchange students housing application
  • Agreements are made for at least one calendar month.
  • Apartments for 1.1. – 31.5.

This is how you apply

  • Keep an eye on available apartments in our apartment search. Available exchange student apartments will be published on the website after mid-December.
  • When you have found a suitable apartment, fill out the exchange students’ apartment application, add the desired apartment to the application’s additional information field and send an email to exchange student services

Summer apartments

Hoas’ summer apartments are mainly rooms in shared apartments. There are also a few family apartments available. They are especially well-suited for students with a temporary internship, a summer job or a school place in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.

Shared apartments are mostly located in west and east Helsinki as well as in Espoo and Vantaa, and there are no apartments available in the centre of Helsinki or near the inner city. Family apartments are available only in few locations along the edges of the cities.

  • The security deposit payment 0 €.
  • The summer apartments are not furnished.
  • The agreements must be made for at least one calendar month.
  • You cannot only apply for a summer apartment for August.
  • Apartments for period 1 January – 31 August.

A student could remain in the summer apartment

Usually, it is possible to continue living in the apartment after summer, if the summer tenant finds a student place for the autumn in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and if they meet the Hoas student selection criteria. If you want to stay in your summer apartment, send us a an email to

Applying for summer apartment

You can apply for Hoas summer apartment with housing application form.

How to apply for a summer apartment

  • Select Internship or summer job in the capital region as the school
  • Select Work experience or temporary job as your degree
  • Enter the name and address of your summer job
  • Enter the dates when the need for an apartment starts and when the need for an apartment ends

Send the application only after your summer job or summer studies have been confirmed, as we will attempt to offer you an apartment nearby your summer job or study location or along good public transport connections. Students are prioritised in apartment allocation.

Usually only one apartment offer will be made for summer apartments.

For more information on Hoas housing services, please contact

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